Friday, June 13, 2014

Back in the U.S. - Easy ways to keep French in your daily life

by Caleigh Erickson, AFC intern

No matter your level of French, anyone who has spent time in a francophone country has experienced that sudden improvement in speaking that comes with being immersed in a foreign language and being challenged to communicate with other French speakers. However, that fluidity and quick thinking tends to rust and wear over time once we are once again surrounded by our native language on a daily basis. Even if we continue to speak French in classes or periodically with other speakers, it is never quite the same as that complete immersion. This may sound grim and discouraging, but fortunately there are many other ways to continue to practice French that are easy to do and much less expensive than a transatlantic plane ticket! Try a few of these methods to keep French a part of your daily life:

-One very conventional way to continue listening to French is to watch French movies and listen to French music. While consuming music and films actually made in francophone countries provide a cultural and linguistic experience, most American films can also be watched in French with dubbed voices selected in language settings. Add the subtitles too for double the exposure!

-Label things around your home. Place Post-it notes on objects around the house, and note how many you can name without looking at the Post-it. Looking up new vocabulary and putting it in mundane places makes learning new words an effortless part of your day, even if you don't purposefully read them all the time.

-There are many typical board games that can be ordered online in French. Taboo, for example, is a great word description game that is entirely verbal, and challenges you to not only comprehend vocabulary, but also explain it to others! Playing board games in French is a fun way to practice with other people.

-Another way to insert French into everyday life is to change the language settings on your computer, phone, or social media sights. It makes a small difference but will allow you to read French every day while doing online activities you already do on a daily basis.

Try some of these out and keep your French skills sharp in the States!

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